choose Tulsa. give Forever.
Donor Designated Funds
Provides a consistent stream of income for a specific non-profit(s). These funds are used for general operations -or- a program of your choice to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for your named charities. If a specified organization changes its mission -or- ceases to exist, distributions can be redirected to remaining charities, may be replaced with a contingent name charity -or- a collaborative fund at Tulsa Fiduciary Fund.
Minimum Initial Contribution: $25,000; Balance ≥ $50,000 before grants can be awarded.
Minimum Grant (non-endowed): determined by donor/beneficiary agency.
* In order to take-advantage of the QCD, you may not maintain any advisory capacity over the fund once it is established (i.e. You may not add or remove selected charities, or change the distribution plan).